725 S 51st. West Des Moines, IA 50265   (515) 224 1618

A “Clean” Way to Clean Your Retainers and Clear Aligners

Trouble with white deposit on your clear aligners or clear retainers?? I have a solution… and it doesn’t involve the commercial tablets that have a cringeworthy ingredient list. As with anything we put in or on our body, we want clean ingredients.

Here are 2 clean options, the first being my personal favorite:

Option #1

Hydrogen Peroxide. In a small bowl, pour hydrogen peroxide and add a bit of warm (not hot) water. Submerge your retainers and soak them for 5 to 15 minutes. When time has passed, remove them and use your toothbrush to easily remove the previously stuck-on deposit. Rinse with cold water and enjoy the sparkling new look of your old retainers.

Option #2

Baking soda (aluminum-free). Make a paste of baking soda and warm (not hot) water. Apply the paste to your retainers. Leave on for 15 minutes, then use a toothbrush to clean and rinse with cold water.

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